On November 4 (18:45), we organize a special meeting in collaboration with Teach for Austria. Toastmasters and Teach for Austria share many core values – like learning and leadership – and we are looking forward to a great evening. Whether you are interested in education, want to meet inspiring people, or just want to have fun – feel free to join us in the Café Vindobona (Wallensteinplatz 6, 1200 Vienna),
Area Conference: Isabel wins for the Vienna Speakers Club
Please join me in congratulating our member Isabel for winning this season’s Humorous Speaking Contest at the Area Level (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia). She will represent our club at the divison level contest in Budapest next week.
Area Conference in Vienna
Join this semester’s area conference in Vienna and watch our member Isabel perform! Find all the details here: http://areaconferencevienna.yolasite.com/